Dentistry is a branch which is specialized and devoted to maintaining the health of teeth, gums, and other hard and soft tissues in and around oral cavity. The Department of Dentistry at Amala IMS, focuses on improving the quality of the patient’s day-to-day lives by preventing and treating tooth decay, periodontal diseases, malocclusions, arofacial anomalies, arofacial pathologies and cosmetic surgeon of face improving aesthetic value and function.
- General Dentistry
- Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery
- Paedodontics
- Periodontics
- Conservative and Endodontics
- Prosthodontics
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Electrocautery
- Apex locator
- Endo Motor
- Endo rotary files
- Post and Core
Maxillo Facial Trauma (road traffic accidents, sports injuries, assaults), Maxilofacial Pathologies (Orofacial Cancer, Cysts and Tumors), Maxillary and Mandibular Osteotomies (Orthognathic Surgeries), Cosmetic corrective surgeries of face removal of impacted teeth, management of TMJ disorders, Oral Implantology, Endodontic surgeries of management of oro-antral Fristula, Management of oro-facial pain
Dental management of Paedodontic patients- Pulpotomy, Pulpectomy, RCT, Space Maintameis, Myofunctional and habit-breaking appliances
Deep scaling periodontal flap surgeries, Gingivoplasty, Frenectomy, Precision, Grafting, Crown Lengthening, Splinting
Root canal treatment and single sitting RCT
Metal free crowns and bridges, ceramic crowns and bridges, veneers, composite restorations, partial and complete dentures (fixed and removable), implant-supported dentures, post and core build up
Bleaching,Smile-line Correction,Veneering,Composite,Introoral biopsies & FNAC
Normal extractions,Restorations,Scaling,Replacement of missing teeth
Correction of Malocclusions, Proclination, Spacing, Crowding, removable and fixed Orthodontic appliances, functional and habit-breaking appliances, growth modifying appliances, pre-surgical and post-surgical Orthodontic treatment, planning and diagnosis (upper and lower jaw growth discrepancies)

Dr. Siji J Chiramel
Reg.No: KDC 8489Professor & HOD
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Implantology
View ProfilePublications
- John ANC. Bilateral condyle dislocation and parasymphysis fracture of mandible in a child. J Res Med Dental Sci. 2014;2(3):74-76. DOI : 10.5455/jrmds.20142316.
- John ANC. Tooth pain management of chronic pulpitis in a patient with toxic epidermal necrolysis-A case report. J Res Med Dental Sci. 2014; 2(2): 64-66. DOI : 10.5455/jrmds.20142214
- John ANC. Multi lobulated large ivory osteoma of ascending ramus: A case report. J Clin Exp Res.2014;2(2):136-137. DOI:10.5455/jccr.
- John ANC, Gulvadi AA. Tongue lesions in toddler. Paediatric Oncol. 2014;11(4).
- John ANC. Surgical Intervention and endodontic for maxillary alveolar bone regeneration in a patient with peripheral and interradicular bone defect: A case report. Medicine Sci. 2015;4(4):291-9.
- John ANC, Anie MT. Mouth guard appliance to prevent accidental intraoperative avulsion of teeth. Int J Adv Med Health Res. 2015; 2:144-5. DOI: 10.4103/2349-4220.172918
- John ANC, Ajith TA. Intraoral complications associated with multiple myeloma: Case Reports. Med-Science. 2015;4:2229-35.DOI: 10.5455medscience.
- John ANC, Ajith TA. Prevalence and etiology for mandibular and mid-face bone fractures in a tertiary care hospital. Arch. Exp. Clin Surg. 2017;6:183-188. DOI:10.5455/aces.20161017105619.
- Anila Joseph, MK Saleena, Suji AS, Elizabeth kuruvilla, Swetha Valsan,Chaithra P. A voyage into the histology of gingival tissue: true delight of a beginner! Jcops2016;1:80-83
- Suji As, Anila Joseph, MK Saleena, Chaithra P, Swetha Valsan, Elizabeth kuruvilla. Analysis of mineral contents of dental calculus and assessment of its similarity with saliva. Journal of Cochin Periodontists Society 2016; 1:197-99.
- Sankar V , George A , Thomas A , Augustine L , Treacher collins syndrome- A case report. Int Dent J Stud Res 2021;9(1):39-42