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The department imparts training to MBBS students in Forensic Medicine during the second and third phases of the course during 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th semesters. Post Graduate scholars of Pathology are also trained in medico legal case handling and autopsy dissection techniques. Department also carries out interns’ training on a mandatory basis.


The department museum displays photos, charts, X-rays, wet specimen, plant poisons, venomous and non venomous snakes, clay models, skeleton, bones and weapons including firearms and cartridges and sharp and blunt weapons. Crime scene models are an added attraction. Facilities for demonstrating moot court to students are made available. Demonstration room, Practical hall and Research room are also available. The department Library has more than 170 text books and 120 numbers of national and international journals. The Autopsy Hall has two autopsy tables and facilities for conducting medico legal autopsies. Cold chamber to preserve 4 dead bodies is also available.


Dr. Prince M Paul
Reg.No: TCMC 36614
Professor & HOD
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Dr. Thomas Zachariah
Reg.No: TCMC 13608
Associate Professor
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Dr Boban Babu
Reg.No: TCMC 40849
Associate Professor
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Dr. Ajin Joseph
Reg.No: TCMC 54886
Assistant Professor
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CME Details Date of Conduct
Name : CME(State Level)
Theme/Subject : Legal Updates on Medical Practice

Name : Clinical Forensic Medicine CME 2012
Theme/Subject : Legal Scenario of Medical practice
Credit Hours : 4 Hours



  • Thomas Zachariah, Joseph T John, Major Predisposing Factors Influencing the Suicide by Hanging: A Retrospective Study from a Tertiary Care Government Hospital in Kerala State, South India, IJCMR: 2019: 6:1: A5-A7
  • Thomas Zachariah, Association of Respiratory Tract Infection among Children Presented with or without Anaemia. A Retrospective Study, IJCMR: 2019: 6: 4: D1 – D3
  • Babu B, Vaswani V, Kumar K, Nallathamby R. Capital Punishment -An Eye For An Eye-Right Or Wrong?. Eur J Forensic Sci. 2015; 2(2): 10-14.
  • Boban Babu1, Vina Vaswani2, Kishor Kumar3, Rani Nallathamby4 Histopathological Changes in Skin-A Tool to Establish TimeSince Death in First 24 Hours Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2020, Vol. 14, No. 4
  • R Nallathamby, CH Sivarama, B Babu - Int J Bioassays, 2013 Study on metopic sutures in South Indian skulls
  • Varghese Alex M.1,*, Vaswani Vina Ravi2, Shenoy Venkatkrishna3, Babu Boban4, Ajid Aravind5 Estimation of stature using cephalic and facial measurements Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine
  • Sadasivan Sivasuthan1, Boban Babu2, Alex Varghese3, Alice David4 AWARENESS OF 3RD SEMESTERMBBS STUDENTS REGARDING THE MEDICO-LEGAL ISSUES IN OUR SOCIETY AND THE NEEDFOR TRAINING IN FORENSIC MEDICINE- A DESCRIPTIVE CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 7/ Issue 36/ Sept. 03, 2018
  • Rani Nallathamby1 Boban Babu2 Meril Ann Soman3 Hano Cherian4 The Carcinogen in Our Daily Life - A Cross-Sectional Study, International Journal of Research and Review
  • Deepak Herald D'Souza, Vina R Vaswani, Kishor Kumar Badiadka, Venkat Krishna Shenoy, Boban Babu An accidental death due to electric grinder: Dupatta as a strangulation hazard
  • Rani Nallathamby1 , Ramakrishna Avadhani2 , Meril Ann Soman1 , Boban Babu3 Isolated Upper Limb Phocomelia - Case Study of a Rare Congenital Disorder International Journal of Health Sciences
  • Comparative Study: Stature and Facial Measurements in Both Genders Alex M Varghese, Boban Babu, Srijith R, Gowri S Nair