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Department is running OPD for six days and Operation theatre work for three days in a week. Casualty cases are covered round the clock with facility for nasal packing, foreign body removal and tracheostomy.


  • Full fledged outpatient theatre where facilities for nasal endoscopy, otomicroscopy, rigid telescopy of larynx including laryngoscopy and all recording systems
  • Surgeries
  • All routine ENT operations, Tympanoplasty, Endoscopic Sinus surgeries, Rhinoplasty (open and cloded), Microlaryngeal surgeries and Cancer surgeries like Laryngectomy, Oesophagectomy and Gastric pull up, Maxillectomy, Radical neck dissection.

  • Audiology Services
    • Pure Tone Audiogram, Tympanogram, BERA
    • Diagnostic OAE
    • VEMP
    • Universal screening of newborn with Otoacoustic Emission
    • VAGMI software for Speech Therapy
    • Hearing Aid fitting
    • Full fledged temporal bone lab
    • Operating microscopes, Zeiss microscope and Leica microscope


Well organized OPD rooms and one procedure room for minor procedures

Video Laryngoscopy with Storz Endoscope,Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy,Flexible Laryngoscopy,Otoendoscopy ,Otomicroscopy with  Carl Zeiss Microscope

With Operating Microscope, Micro Drill, Temporal Bone Holder, Suction

Endoscopic Surgical Treatment for sinus clearance, including Chronic Sinusitis, Nasal Polyposis, Epistaxis, benign and malignant Tumors, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Rhinorrhea Repair, Frontal Sinus Surgeries, Transnasal, Transphenoidal Surgeries for Skull Base Tumors

Myringotomy, Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy, Stapedectomy, Ossiculoplasty

Microlaryngeal surgeries, airway reconstruction procedures including KASHIMA Cordotomy, Endoscopic removal of benign tumors of larynx and trachea


Surgery for treatment of snoring(OSAS) such as Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) Expansion Sphincteroplasty, Tongue base reduction and Coblator assisted Uvuopalatopharyngoplasty, Adult and Paediatric Tracheostomy

Surgery for Vocal Cord Paralysis Tumors of Throat and Larynx Tumors of Neck

Salivary Gland Surgeries Thyroidectomy

Surgery for Subglottic and Tracheal Stenosis Phonosurgery

Microlaryngeal Surgeries Esophagoscopy


Dr. Andrews C Joseph
Professor & HOD View Profile
Dr. A R Vinayakumar
Professor View Profile
Dr. Arjun G Menon
Professor View Profile
Dr. Nevil Verghese
Associate Professor View Profile
Dr. Sumam P Vazhappilly
Associate Professor View Profile
Dr. Dayana Antony
Assistant Professor View Profile
Dr .Nisha T
Senior Resident View Profile


  • CJ Andrews,RK Rahul. effect of myringotomy as an Office procedure on the clinical course of acute otitis media; a retrospective study;int j otorhinolaryngol head and neck surg.2017 jul,3{3}:646-9
  • cj andrews,efficacy of ktp-532 laser assisted turbinoplasty and submucosal diathermy with monopolar cauteryon symtomatic patients with hypertrophied inf. turbinates;int surgeryj;2015nov;2{4};612-19
  • RK rahul,CJ Andrews prevalance, risk factors and clinical presentations of patients with peripheral vertigo;a retrospective study from a tertiary care hospital ,int j adv med.2016feb;3{1};xxx-xxx
  • Anie M, Arjun G, Andrews C, Vinayakumar A. Descriptive epidemiology of epistaxis in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Advances in Medicine. 2015;:255-259.
  • Pooja P, Andrews C, Arjun G, Vinayakumar A. Prevalence and major causative factors of upper aerodigestive tract malignancies. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2016;5(4):651.
  • Nevil V, Suma R, Arjun G, Pooja P. Orbital apex syndrome due to scopulariopsis: a rare case report. International Journal of Advances in Medicine. 2015;:303–5
  • Menon A, Kaushik M, Nevil V, Vinayakumar A. A comparative study of middle ear evaluation by otomicroscopy and otoendoscopy in cases of chronic suppurative otitis media. Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery (ACES). 2016Jul;:1
  • Thomas A, Varghese N, Menon A. Ectopic tonsillar tissue presenting with bilateral arytenoid swelling: A case report. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2015Dec31;2(2):134
  • Antony D, Chacko A, Ravi A. Comparison of residual hearing preservation and auditory based performance after paediatric cochlear implantation by round window insertion versus cochleostomy technique: an ambispective cohort study. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2021;7:1455-61.
  • Orbital apex syndrome due to scopulariopsis: a rare case report. Varghese N,Suma R, Arjun GM, Pradeep P. Int J Adv Med. 2015; 2(3): 303-5
  • Thomas AM, Varghese N, Menon AG. Ectopic tonsillar tissue presenting with bilateral arytenoid swelling: A case report . Int J Adv Med Health Res 2015;2:134-6
  • Anoop Varghese Kuruvilla, Ariyamparambil Rajagopalan Vinayakumar, Nevil Varghese. Co-morbidities associated with various ear nose throat conditions of geriatric patients in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery| December 2020 | Vol 7| Issue 1| Pages: 91-94 | pISSN 2454 - 5929.
  • Linta Jacob, Nevil Varghese, Arjun G. Menon, Ariyamparambil R. Vinayakumar. Human dirofilariasis: An emerging zoonotic nematodal infection - A case series. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery| January 2021 | Vol 4| Issue 3| Pages: 83- 86 | pISSN 2454 - 5929.
  • Jyolsna Nelson, Nevil Varghese, Andrews Chakramakal Joseph, Arjun Gopinathan Menon, Rosemol Antony. A Comparative Study of Conventional Cold Dissection and Coblation Method of Tonsillectomy. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research| January 2023 | Vol 10| Issue 1| Pages: 17-21 | pISSN 2349 - 4220.
  • Vellamparambil Sreejaraj, Paul Vazhapilly Sumam, Verghese Nevil, Karuthedath Sridevi, Ariyamparampil Rajagopalan Vinayakumar. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori colonisation in tonsillar tissue in cases of chronic tonsillitis: a prospective study. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery| May – June 2018 | Vol 4| Issue 3| Pages: 1- 4 | pISSN 2454 - 5929.
  • Anoop Varghese Kuruvilla, Sumam Paul Vazhappilly. A study of the hearing status in the contralateral healthy ear of patients with chronic otitis media following mastoidectomy surgery in a tertiary care hospital, Kerala, India. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | March 2022| Vol 8| Issue 3| Pages: 174 – 179 | pISSN 2454 - 5929.
  • Thuruthiath Nisha,Chakramakal Joseph Andrews Clinical presentations and risk factors of malignant otitis externa in a tertiary care hospital.International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research 2016;3(1):54-57.
  • Thuruthiath Nisha,ArayamparambilRajagopalan Vinayakumar Essential palatal myoclonus:A rare cause of objective tinnitus.International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2016;3(2):91-93