Department Hospital

Clinical Hematology

Our Services


Clinical Hematology department treats patients with blood and marrow related disorders. The department focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various types of blood cancers like Leukemia, Myelomas, Lymphomas, disorders of low Hemoglobin, Anemia, bleeding and thrombotic disorders, autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation for benign and malignant disorders. The Clinical Hematology Department at Amala IMS is the first of its kind in central Kerala. The department collaborates with allied specialties of Transfuction Medicine, Immunohematology and Pathology. The ultra-modern technology and well-trained staff at AIMS are always committed to provide utmost care and support from diagnosis to treatment directed towards complete cure.    


Leukemia clinic Deals with evaluation and management of acute myeloid and lymphoblastic leukemia,Chronic Myeloid leukemia in pediatric and adults in a cost effective manner.
Lymphoma Clinic Deals with evaluation and management of hodgkin and non hodgkin lymphomas with cost effective and targeted immuno chemo therapy
Myeloproliferative neoplasm clinic Deals with Polycythemia, Myeloproliferative neoplasm including myelofibrosis and essential thrombocytosis
Myelodysplastic syndrome clinic Deals with low risk and high risk MDS
Hemolytic anemia Evaluation and management of congenital hemolytic anemias ,Thalassemia syndrome , Sickle cell anemia, and Acquired hemolytic anemia ,PNH etc
Bleeding Diathesis & Platelet clinic Evaluation and management of immune thrombocytopenia, Congenital coagulopathy disorders like Hemophilia ,acquired coagulopathy disorders like DIC
Aplastic anemia and Congenital bone marrow failure syndrome clinic Treatment of Aplastic anemia with ATG based combination therapy,stem cell transplantation.Evaluation of IBMFS with next generation sequencing
Thrombosis clinic Evaluation of inherited and acquired thrombotic conditions like APLA, PNH, Protein C and S deficiency etc
Plasma cell disorder clinic Evaluation and management of plasma cell disorders like multiple myeloma,amyloidosis, POEMS syndrome
Blood transfusion support Irradiated blood components transfusion [PRBC,PRP],Apheresis for SDP,Cryoprecipitate,FFP.
Stem cell transplantation Autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma,Lymphoma, Multiple sclerosis. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for leukemia,aplastic anemia & thalassemia.


Our Services

  • Consultative Hematology

    Clinical Hematologist take part in consultation services with other hospital department ,help in pre surgical fitness evaluation,evaluation and management of abnormal bleeding manifestation,management of peri operative anticoagulation,management of perioperative thrombosis management

  • Day Care Facility

    Day care facility is utilised for bone marrow procedure under local anaesthesia,blood and platelet transfusion ,chemotherapy administration

  • Physician Assistant Service

    Physician assistant provide support and guidance for each and every pateint in medication counselling,chemotherapy protocol preparation,patienteducation.They also handle patient related queries.

  • Medical Social Worker

    They play collaborative role with mulitdiciplinary team.