Department Hospital


Our Services


The Department of Psychiatry at AMALA IMS is well- equipped to treat most of the mental health problems of the modern era, including stress, suicidal tendencies, emotional breakdowns, psychological disorders like BPD and so on. Following the vision-driven approach toward “complete healing”, the department follows a one-to-one, personalised approach with the patients, maintaining absolute confidentiality and trust.

The department trains MBBS students, MD Psychiatry trainees (two, every year) and post-graduate trainees from other departments. In addition, the Department works closely with the Department of Nursing to provide inputs to under-graduate and post-graduate Nursing courses. It also provides clinical placement support for trainees in Psychology and Social Work. The team consists of Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric Social Workers and Remedial Trainer for children with scholastic difficulties. The team emphasizes a bio-psycho-social approach in clinical practice.

Our Facilities

  • 30 bedded inpatient unit.
  • Outpatient Services.
  • Modified Electro-Convulsive Therapy.
  • Diagnostic Psychometry, IQ and Learning Ability Assessment, Neuropsychological Assessment.
  • Psychological Therapies.
  • Family Oriented Interventions.
  • Specific learning disability (SLD) assessment
  • Speciality clincs
  • De addiction clinic
     Tuesday(10am to 1 pm)
    Child and adolescent clinic (below18)

    Saturday(10am to 1 pm)

    Psychomotor clinic 
     Monday(10am to 1 pm)
    Neuropsychiatry clinic
     Thursday (10am to 1 pm)
    Senile disorder clinic
    Thursday(10am to 1 pm)
    Family counseling
    Friday(10am to 1 pm)
    Learning Disability clinic
    Thu,Fri,Sat(10am to 1 pm)
    Dementia clinic(memory clinic)
    Thursday(10am to 1 pm)


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Dr. Shiny John

TCMC 36987
Professor & HOD
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Dr. Reshma Susan Mathew

TCMC 50278
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Vineeth Chandran K

TCMC 56782
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Delcine Maria Jose

Senior Resident
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Dr. Aysha Sherrin Nazeer

Senior Resident
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Mrs. Niji Vijayan . N

Clinical Psychologist
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Mrs. Aiona Liz

Clinical Psychologist
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Mrs. K.k Elizabeth

Psychiatric Social Worker

Our Services